put NDI: or ND IND. at the start of your list.expected to be written in order of appearance on the carrd, but it's fine otherwise.
- it's advised but not necessary that you put a bar (|) between labels.
an asterisk (*) between two related labels indicates that you are diagnosed or medically recognized either with an older diagnosis, and would now be diagnosed with the second, or with a less severe variation of something that has worsened since.
- this isn't quite the same as self-diagnosis, because it's still partially diagnosed, it's just outdated.
- this is also applicable if your condition didn't worsen, you were just mistakenly diagnosed with a milder variation or older diagnosis.
a forward slash (/) at the end of a label is used to indicate that you are professionally diagnosed with it.a backslash (\) at the end of a label indicates that you are medically recognized as having it without being professionally diagnosed.a forward slash (/) at the beginning of a label is used to indicate that you don't know if it's professionally diagnosed, but know that it's medically recognized.an underscore (_) at the end of a label means that it is medically recognized but doesn't need a diagnosis (such as synesthesia).an underscore (_) at the beginning of a label means you are self-diagnosed without being medically recognized and the condition doesn't need a diagnosis.an open bracket ([) at the beginning of a label means you are self-diagnosed.a closing bracket (]) at the end of a label means you are questioning.a percent sign (%) at the end of a label means you were misdiagnosed and don't qualify for the asterisk.an asperand (@) at the end of a label means you are in remission or no longer qualify for the disorder.an ampersand (&) at the beginning of a label means that it has a direct influence on or is directly caused by your plurality / multiplicity / systemhood, if applicable.a hyphen (-) indicates a disorder subtype.if you have a suggestion, question, or something else to add, DM us on Discord! we're santiagojones

Bipolar Disorder - B
Manic Depression - MD
Bipolar I - I
Bipolar II - II
Cyclothymic Disorder - III
Not Otherwise Specified - IV
Other Specified - V
Unspecified - VI
Episodic Dyscontrol Syndrome (Intermittent Explosive Disorder) - EInterictal Dysphoric Disorder - IMajor Depressive Disorder - M
Melancholic Depression - 1
Atypical Depression - 2
Catatonic Depression - 3
Depression With Anxious Distress - 4
Depression With Peri-Patrum Onset - 5
Mild Depressive Disorder - 6
Seasonal Affective Disorder - 7
Mixed Anxiety-Depressive Disorder - ADMood Disorder Not Otherwise Specified - MNPersistent Depressive Disorder (Dysthymia) - DPost-Stroke Depression - sSchizoaffective Disorder - Sa

Anorexia Nervosa - AnAvoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder - ARBinge Eating Disorder - BBody Dysmorphic Disorder - DysBody-Focused Repetitive Behaviors - BF
Dermatophagia - Dp
Onychotillomania - Om
Trichophagia - Tp
Trichotillomania - Tm
Bulimia Nervosa - BNEating Disorder Not Otherwise Specified - EN
Other Specified Feeding or Eating Disorder - OE
Unspecified Feeding or Eating Disorder - UE
Generalized Anxiety Disorder - GHoarding Disorder - HMixed Anxiety-Depressive Disorder - ADNight Eating Syndrome - NObsessive-Compulsive Disorder - O
Purely Obsessive - I
Purely Compulsive - II
Panic Disorder - PPica - PCSeparation Anxiety Disorder - SaSocial Anxiety Disorder - ASpecific Phobia - Ph
Arachnophobia - A
Emetophobia - E

Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - CTDepersonalization-Derealization Disorder - PRDissociative Amnesia (Disorder) - DA
Dissociative Amnesia With Dissociative Fugue - DAF
Dissociative Disorder Not Otherwise Specified - DN
Other Dissociative and Conversion Disorders - ODC
Other Specified Dissociative Disorder - OD
Unspecified Dissociative Disorder - UD
indicators provided (for DN and colloquially OD) in names
Dissociative Identity Disorder - DI
Partial Dissociative Identity Disorder - PDI
Dissociative Neurological Symptom Disorder - DNSMaladaptive Daydreaming Disorder - MAPost-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PSTrance Disorder - TrD
Possession Trance Disorder - PTrD

Apraxia of Speech - AxAuditory Processing Disorder - APDevelopmental Coordination Disorder (Dyspraxia) - CDDevelopmental Verbal Dyspraxia - VDDyscalculia - DC
Dyslexia - DS
Dysgraphia - DG
Other Specified Tic Disorder - OT
Unspecified Tic Disorder - UT
Persistent (Chronic) Tic Disorder - PT
Motor - M
Vocal - V
Provisional Tic Disorder - VTSensory Processing Disorder - SPSocial (Pragmatic) Communication Disorder - SCSpeech/Language Disorder - SLStutter - STTTourette's Syndrome - T
Combined Vocal and Multiple Motor Tic Disorder - CM
Transient Tic Disorder - TD

Antisocial Personality Disorder - AsPAvoidant Personality Disorder - AvPBorderline Personality Disorder - BPDependent Personality Disorder - DdPHistrionic Personality Disorder - HPNarcissitic Personality Disorder - NPObsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder - OPParanoid Personality Disorder - PDPersonality Disorder Not Otherwise Specified - PN
Personality Disorder-Trait Specified - PT
Unspecified Personality Disorder - UP
Depressive Personality Disorder - DeP
Passive-Aggressive Personality Disorder - PaP
Sadistic Personality Disorder - SaP
Self-Defeating Personality Disorder - SdP
Psychopathy - PsSchizoid Personality Disorder - SpSchizotypal Personality Disorder - St

Aphantasia - ApAttention-Deficit Disorder - ADD
Attention-Deficit Hyperactive Disorder - AH
Combined - C
Primarily Inattentive - I
Primarily Hyperactive - H
Autism Spectrum Disorder - AS
Asperger's Syndrome - As
Misophonia - MNon-Disordered Neuronarration - NN
Immersive Daydreaming - ID
Non-Disordered Plurality - NDP
Otherwise Disordered Plurality - ODP
Plurality Without Disorder Labels - PDL
Schizophrenia - S
Catatonic - C
Disorganized - D
Paranoid - P
Residual - R
Undifferentiated - U
Synesthesia - Sy
Common Subtypes
Auditory-Tactile - A
Chromesthesia - C
Grapheme-Color - G
Kinesthetic - K
Lexical-Gustatory - L
Mirror-Touch - M
Ordinal Linguistic Personification - O
Spatial-Sequence - S